#bfdi rocky
addynosketchpad · 3 days
what if rocky was british but still a five-year-old
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clarissasbakery · 4 months
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some pony au stuff that’s been on the back burner… algebraliens as draconequus??
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Bulleh 🪨🪨🪨🪨
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has anyone ever imagined this concept before??
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tapwater118 · 3 months
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Has anyone ever heard of “Battle for Dream Island” (1990) before? Really obscure NES game, doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page (or hell, even a mention in one).
From what little I can find about it on the internet, Battle for Dream Island was an NES game released on January 1st, 1990, apparently made entirely by a pair of independent American developers. Never made all that many sales, but eventually it garnered a rather niche following on an obscure gaming forum, though it had long since dissipated. Unfortunately, seemingly nothing from the forum threads was archived, so all I have to go on are a few vague threads titles from a navigation page.
I, rather cliched like, bought this BfDI cartridge from a sleazy old guy at a flea market (along with Puzznic and Wario’s Woods for a bargain deal). I dumped the ROM and booted it up on an emulator to take some screencaps.
Upon pressing start, you are prompted to “Choose Contestant,” and have a choice between any of 20 playable characters (who are all everyday objects, for some reason). Each contestant has their own stats, and while you can feel the difference while playing, the overall impact of character choice is pretty negligible. (Also some of these guys don’t even have arms?? Weird design choice but okay.)
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Two screencaps of the character select screen. I went with Pin for my first playthrough cause idk she seemed kinda cute. I’m almost sure the stats are “Strength,” “Speed,” “Jump,” and “Skill.”
(Continued under cut)
While touting itself as a game show, BfDI is essentially a glorified minigame collection. The gameplay loop is as follows: You and the 19 other contestants play a minigame (referred to as “challenges”) to earn points based on how well you do (though I’m fairly certain the computer contestants just get a random amount of points for each challenge). Most of the challenges are various platforming segments, though some others fall more into puzzle game territory.
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Two of the challenges. The green “Win Tokens” can be collected for bonus points. LEFT: A horizontal platformer level. The grey wall in the middle of the screencap moves up and down. RIGHT: A challenge about climbing ladders while avoiding “acid spitballs.” The game pauses to scroll vertically a la Super Mario Bros. 2.
After each challenge, this speaker thing shows up (pretty sure he’s supposed to be like a game show host?) and tallies up everyone’s score. The contestant with the least score gets “eliminated” and removed from the game.
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The results screen. Leafy did rather poor on the last challenge, so she’s out of the game.
The game continues like this until you lose (have the least amount of points) and get booted to the game over screen, or until you are the last one left, in which case you win Dream Island! (Though of course in reality you just get booted back to the title screen. No Dream Island for you.)
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The victory screen, with the gates to Dream Island in sight. Feels more like the gates to hell given how Pin’s staring at me.
It’s a fairly easy game for NES standards (I won on my first try). Took me about 80 minutes on my first playthrough, though subsequent ones could take less than an hour as I knew what I was doing. The brevity and the fact it saves your high score gives BfDI a nice sense of replayability (though this is probably best done sporadically, as the challenges tend to get a bit samey after a couple of back-to-back playthroughs).
So yeah, just wanted to share this in case anybody else has heard of it. I’ll probably rip the sprites and upload them sometime later cause it doesn’t look like anybody’s done that yet.
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yinyangrii · 2 months
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weezer ass group
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smile-files · 1 year
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rewatched all of bfdia :)
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goodeguy · 8 days
happy birthday post-hiatus bfdia!!!!!!
one year ago, bfdia 6 dropped and the season was revived from the grave. and now is the best season jnj has ever made. i made this as a homage to a great season and hope for better episodes to come <3
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sorry i suck at perspective
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c10v3r · 1 year
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she battle on my island till i dream
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purpeltomato · 22 days
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perspective practice
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l0ser-nicolaz · 2 months
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circusclowne · 6 months
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this was a good episode 10/10
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dicediceking · 17 days
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Omga this took me so long to finish but here it is!!
I know not all bfdi characters were in bfdia but whatever, they still get designs
I'm working on drawing the bfb teams too
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clarissasbakery · 10 months
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boys bein boys
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lecrogea · 1 month
Old city, old emotion
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honk-official · 3 months
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i feel so bad for leaving out tumblr as one of my social media's.. so have these semi-human designs of bfdi characters cus I'm cool like that.
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m3xyuu · 8 months
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happy birthday BFDI! 🎂
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